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The "France-England, 700-1200: medieval manuscripts from the BnF and the British Library” portal was set up based on the Gallica white-label infrastructure, the IIIF standards, and the Mirador viewer. It is hosted by the BnF, and gives access to:

  • digital reproductions drawn from the British Library’s collections and indicated by “Source: British Library”. Users are asked to note the conditions for reusing those digital documents by clicking on
  • digital reproductions drawn from the Bibliothèque nationale de France’s collections and indicated by “Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France”. Their reuse is covered by law no. 78-753 of 17 July 1978:
  • This content can be reused non-commercially, freely and free of charge, subject to compliance with current legislation, especially retaining the indication of the source.
  • This content can be reused commercially subject to payment and to obtaining a licence. Commercial reuse is understood as the resale of content in the form of manufactured products or provision of service.